Now that we are in our new home, surrounded by all our favorite (boxes)- I guess I can take a minute from unpacking and tell you about lucie being 7 months old-
About a month ago she started sleeping through the night again, horay! This laste up until we moved. Now it seems kinda hit or miss. She's going through this separation anxiety thing. It will turn even the least cuddly of babies: lucie, right into little sloths. She seriously wants to hang on me all day and sometimes in the middle of the night. Trying to remember that this is just her way of showing her love ---
She really is so sweet these days. We feel so blessed by her and have been taking her on lots of walks. We've made up even more nicknames. Somehow, the ones PK coins seem to stick, so she is now "goofy" "goofienne noelle" and "the goof". These new names fit her personality--- always smiling and acting goofy.
This month Lucie had a couple of play dates with Emme as we went out looking at houses and doing stuff house related. It is fun to watch the girls play and interact as they get older!!
I think we're still holding steady at about 20 lbs. we're eating solids 3 times a day and are significantly decreasing our milk intake.
We are also on the brink of crawling! It won't be long now! Still no teeth though 😬💗🏡🙊🍼