Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving and more...

We had a very fun and jammed packed weekend for thanksgiving. We spent thanksgiving day at Patrick's parents house and the day after at my moms. Lucie didn't like thanksgiving round 1. She must've felt smushed... On thanksgiving round 2 I had to eat very lightly as to not upset our little princess.

On Friday night we had the opportunity to go see the story tour with Patricks parents at church. It was a really good show that chronicled the bible from genesis to revelation with good music :) Lucie liked the bass and danced along.

Saturday we were blessed to have my wonderful cousin and aunt throw me a baby shower :) it was fun getting to see the family and Tara for the shower! Lucie got some lovely new things.

Saturday night my sister Meaghan got engaged to an awesome guy, Taylor. We are so happy for her and Taylor and their future together. Looks like 2013 will bring 2 new members to the family :) we went to brunch Sunday after church to celebrate! Gotta love Cracker Barrel!

I went to the doctor today for my check up. They are every week now... Lucie's movement has slowed down a bit so we did an ultrasound to check her movement. It took forever to wake her up. The u/s tech was shaking my stomach and had me drink an entire sprite.....nothing. Then they took a noise maker out to wake her up. Nothing... After several attempts she finally mustered a couple of kicks to let us know she was okay in there. I hope this stubbornness doesn't last, or labor and delivery could be long...

The good news is that the ultrasound confirmed that Lucie has dropped and is very low. As of now she's in great position for labor. I commented that I didn't look like I had dropped, and the ultrasound tech kindly reminded me I don't have much of a torso and I have a big baby. Apparently it doesn't always look "dropped."

We are still doing the ultrasound at baptist east next week to measure for large gestational age and to see if the second ultrasound machine shows the baby as above the 90th percentile as well. If it does we will start talking about the different delivery options.

The good news is seems like everything is going well and the baby is healthy. We are anxiously awaiting her arrival, and honestly, as soon as the school semester is over i will be ready for her to be here :)


Friday, November 9, 2012

Lucienne is HUGE and mommy is freaked out....

So--- I went into the doctor today for an ultrasound @ 32 weeks. The ultrasound tech took all of Lucie's measurements. Then she took them again. I was watching as each measurement popped a different gestational value on the screen from 31-36 weeks. Her head is like 36 weeks size. Her femur length is full term already I'm pretty sure. At this gestational age she's supposed to weigh about 3 1/2 lbs. they estimated her at 4 lbs 14 oz today. She's almost a 5 lb baby and I have 8 or 9 weeks to go?! Wait... What was that about the baby gaining a half a pound or more per week for the rest of the third trimester? Yikes! I'm totally freaked out that this girl is going to be HUGE. I am legitimately worried about a double digit weight at this point. They are going to do an LGA (large gestational age) ultrasound at BHE in a few weeks to see if their measurements come up the same...

The good news is she is otherwise healthy. Her heart rate is 153 still and she's really active. I got a picture of her but her face looks totally smushed up.

This past week I have been having Braxton hicks and some back pain...new and interesting experiences each week!!!

In the back of my head I'm wondering if my due date is off and if she might come before January. I'm trying not to get my hopes up though...

Oh, and not only is Lucienne huge, mommy is huge too. See pics below.

Katie and Margee had Lucie's crib skirt made as a shower gift. It turned out so cute and matches her bed! Check out those pics too :)

Xoxo Katie

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Countdown--- 9 weeks !

Well --- I'm still waddling along. In fact Patrick and I just got back from a 3 mile waddle around the neighborhood. :) I am walking as much as possible and eating lots of spicy food... I'm not ready to have the baby yet, but I figured a little preemptive preparation was in order.

New on the symptom list this week are heartburn and slightly swollen hands and feet. Pretty normal for 31 weeks. I am also having trouble sleeping... I guess you don't realize that when you flip yourself in bed your used to using your abs. When you don't have that option anymore it's more of an ungraceful hoist to roll over. I keep reminding myself I'm getting lots more sleep now than I will once little girl is born...

I went to the doctor yesterday and it seems like everything is going just fine. Lucie's heartbeat is nice and strong and all of the blood work came back good from when I did that gestational diabetes test. There's nothing to signal any pregnancy complications thus far... Next Friday we will have an ultrasound to make sure there is still now IUGR- which is a potential complication of celiac and pregnancy. Very unlikely that there will be any problems but I'm thankful for the extra peek at Lucie :) Then I will have one more visit in November and will switch to weekly visits in December. I asked Patrick today how it felt to think that He could be a dad next month :) !!! So exciting. He's gonna be awesome!

I've been doing lots of preparing in the nursery. We've got the furniture rearranged just a bit... It's still nowhere near ready but hopefully in December we can get it together. Over the weekend I decided to install the carseat in the car. (We still need to take it to the fire station to have them check it). What I didn't realize is that not all carseats fit in all cars. I think the one we ended up getting (graco snugride 30) is going to end up being okay. I was slightly freaked out at first when the base hung over the end of the seat! After much Internet research, I found that as long as the part of the base that is closest to the rear if the car cannot move more than an inch in either direction, the car seat is fine... I felt guilty about having a compact car until I found out that this particular carseat hangs over the edge of a Yukon and several other HUGE vehicles. Then I didn't feel so bad. It's America's #1 rated carseat according to the box so I guess there are a lot if people out there driving around with the same dilemma!

We ended up picking growing children pediatrics as the pediatrician for Lucie.... After much recommendation and consideration. I figure we can always switch if something goes awry but I talked to the OB about it and she says she's always heard good things :) I think all of the recommendations we got were probably great!

I'm quickly approaching the end of my school semester in 4 weeks. I still have lots to do and should probably be writing papers and not blogging... :)
