Friday, August 31, 2012

Here, there, and everywhere!

Things have been busy in la casa de Kennedy lately. Patrick is continuing to study for level 1 of the CFA exam which takes a ton of time. I also started back to school. he had a minor freak out last night because we lost his calculator manual. Then I solved the problem by finding a PDF file of the manual online. Keep your opinions on who is nerdier to yourself!

I had a minor flip out when trying to decide what classes to take this semester, whether to keep going to real school or switch to an online program etc... There are so many factors.

I decided to keeping going to u of l and I'm taking 12 hours this semester. It's a lot but I'd rather do it before our little girl gets here. Sooo at the end of this semester I'll have 24 hours completed and 18 to go (about a yr and a half more).

Last weekend we went on a 1 night trip to Cincy for a wedding. We stayed at the hotel where the wedding was. We had a gift card to the movies in Cincy so we went and saw a movie at Newport at the levy and then headed over to the hotel... We had a good time but had to hurry home to get to Patrick's grandmothers birthday lunch and a baby shower we had planned for Sunday. I would've liked to have stopped by IKEA while we were up there but oh,well.

We did stop by waffle house on the way home. Waffle house= so bad but so good.

This weekend is labor day weekend and we are looking forward to a quieter weekend. We are going out to dinner with some friends tonight and we'll go to church on Sunday, moms for dinner, and,of course, will probably be trying to find a place to cheer on the cards. I mean cats. ;)

Yawn, we sound boring. Patrick needs to catch up on studying anyways and there is always laundry!

P.S--- I decided after last year that I couldn't neglect my cards completely so I would cheer for ul during football season and uk during basketball season... Sounds like a good compromise, right ?!

Don't answer that question....


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