Monday, August 6, 2012

Our little bean....

Has been on best behavior this week. I've been feeling good and Patrick does his part by talking at my belly. I'm now craving spicy foods. We had Thai-Siam on Friday night and it was awesome... I might be the only pregnant woman who totally loves the spicy hot stuff...only for dinner though. Usually for breakfast and lunch I want fruit and orange juice. Good luck applying that madness to any old-wives tales.

That being said, we are only 11 days away from finding out what baby K is. I'm hoping for a platypus. Kidding. We want a healthy human baby.

As far as those wives tales go- I don't know that they can be trusted. Here's the scoop so far...

Chinese lunar calendar- girl

Foods- mostly boy I think

The way I carry- who can tell? Maybe slightly high but I attribute that to never having a waist to begin with...

That wierd hand test- boy

Sleep position- girl

No extreme nausea- girl

Key test- boy

Acne- girl

Mood swings- yep, girl

Dream test (opposite) - boy

Stress test- hard to say probably boy

You can see the meaning behind all the "tests" at

So your all's guesses are as good as mine!!! We can't wait to find out.

To keep you entertained, my sweet mother in law took me maternity shopping and while shopping I decided to try on the fake belly. The sales clerk said this is supposed to emulate 7 ms pregnant. I hope this is more like 9 yikes.....

And also a picture of the "real" bump just shy of 19 weeks (4.5 months)

- Katie


  1. 1) I still think Baby K is a Lucy.
    2) Your little preggo belly is so cute!

  2. I misread this and thought the bottom picture was your belly now. I was like, "WHAT THE HECK?! I just saw you this past Saturday!" :) I'm thinking girl...but I kind of want a friend for our little boy (if we're even having a boy ;).


    p.s. I LOVED reading the entry that included your pregnancy brain mishaps. I laughed out loud.

  3. Jenna--- I have no idea! every one says girl but Patrick insists on calling it "luke." or specifically, he says "Luke, I am your father." in a star wars accent.

    Katie- i hope my belly is never that big. i didn't think it was fair to try on a "7 month" belly on top of my already 4 months... because i will never be 11 months pregnant, right??

    Also i think every pregnant woman has those whoops moments. i've probably had 5 today. luckily these maternity pants dont have zippers. what a fantastic design!!!
